Daddy's birthday was on Sunday. Mummy and me wrapped the presents in the morning. We all signed our names in the birthday card. Then we had presents.
Daddy got a bike helmet. He put it on his head. He got two hoodies. Callum wanted the hoodies because they looked so nice.
After Mass we went out for morning tea/lunch (a munch?) We had sausage rolls. I spilt masses of tomato sauce on my cardigan. We also had donuts and hot chocolate. Mum and Dad had nice yoghurt.

In the evening Callum gave Dad his present. It was a black bag with licorice, chocolate covered almonds, nuts, and cheese and biscuits. I wanted to eat all the nuts.
Then it was time for cake. It was a coffee and chocolate cake. Imogen put in lots of coffee because Daddy loves coffee. Mummy put pink fairy sprinkles on top of the cake. We wanted to put lots and lots of candles on the cake but Mummy said we didn't have enough. So instead we put on two number candles.

We sang happy birthday and then Daddy blew out his candles. We all ate huge slices of cake. Daddy had a really good birthday. It wasn't actually Daddy's birthday on Sunday. We had it on Sunday because Daddy had to work on his birthday.