This week we have been going to a homeschooling camp. Everyone is sleeping in a tent, except us. We're sleeping at home, and driving to camp every day. All the children are acting in plays. we younger kids are performing 'The Princess and the Pea' musical. The older children are doing 'A Comedy of Errors' by William Shakespeare.
We were sent our scripts at the beginning of last week. Imogen and Charlotte highlighted their parts in their play so that they could find their speeches. Then Sophie came running to me with some paper in her hand and she said that we had parts in 'The Princess and the Pea' play. I was a singing tree, and Sophie was a page boy. We highlighted our parts too. I got my own script the night before the camp.
At camp in the afternoon, we were going to practice 'The Princess and the Pea'. We read out the parts, and everyone was too soft. Then we were divided up into groups to practice. The trees and the princesses went outside to work together.
It was very funny to see the princesses practising. They were trying to curtsy but some people got the wrong the leg, some didn't know where to put their legs at all, but no one fell over. We singing tree were very good.
Tomorrow night we're going to perform 'The Princess and the Pea'. I'm a little worried that I'll forget what to do, but I think it will be fun anyway!